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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nobel Prize Winner

Over the past couple years I don't think anyone would argue that the Nobel peace prize has somewhat lost prestige. Two winners in the last two years have thus far accomplished really nothing, however I do not wish to engage in political debates on the efficacity of elected officials but rather nominate a person who's very existence would revive the luster of the prize. A few years ago I purchased my first home, it had been a rental property, and sadly not in great order as far as cleanliness goes. The bath tubs displayed a scum layer on which ants were ice skating, that I knew would be some serious work to try to effectively remove. Not being any sort of cleaning officianado I went to it, I used bleach, pine sol, ajax and several other cleaners, scrubbers, and strippers. All the work was to no avail, I had a scummy old tub and was out of ideas, I did however have a  very fuzzy relaxed feeling and a swimming head from all the chemicals I had inhaled, come to think of it I am surprised I can recollect so much of that warm afternoon. Once I decided my efforts had been nothing more than an excersise in futility I did what I should have done in the first place, called my mom. "have you tried a magic eraser?" she said. "That is ridiculous." Was my answer. "Just try, it should work." The thought was astoundingly silly, even so I grabbed a pencil said a quick abra cadabra to the pink end and went to town, the eraser only lasted 10 seconds and left a pink residue all over the tub.  With more frustration I picked up the phone to let my mother know how pathetic her idea was.  When she informed me a magic eraser was not some tranced pencil eraser but rather a cleaning product from mr. clean I felt slightly more confident in the idea. I gave purchasing this product serious consideration, last time I trusted a bald guy with an earing I ended up watching a whole Howie Mandel DVD.  Honestly watching a guy pull a rubber glove over his face and inflate it is only funny once.  Ok its funny like five times but not for forty five minutes straight.  I realized howeve I did not have any other option so I purchased the product. My delight showed in the glow on my face as I simply wiped the tub down and watched all the scrum and grime easily swish away to reveal chleanliness and a white sparkle which had been lost, I thought the fixtures were yellow. I was overjoyed! Honestly amazed! I then cleaned my bathroom floors, toilets, wiped scuff marks off walls, made white shoes their whitest, it does not however whiten teeth, just trust me dont attempt especially not with the same one you used on the toilet.  Pine sol tastes awful!  At any rate such a small and amazing device has brought a peace through cleanliness to my home that is unparalleled. Thus I nominate Mr. Clean for a Nobel peace prize, if you need to find him he is quite tan all year so I would check California and Florida first if he does not live there I would check at tanning salons, or places that sell gold hoop earrings as singles.  Make no mistake he deserves to be recognized as a true american hero.

1 comment:

  1. I was informed today that mr clean is a genie so i suppose the middle east is where you should search
